Online storytelling
During the pandemic, online storytelling has blossomed! Here’s a couple of examples of my recent work: a storytelling performance on Dartmoor in spring 2020 for the World Storytelling Cafe (below), and a fireside storytelling in winter 2020 for Devon Wildlife Trust.
Dartmoor Soundings
A project with Tony Whitehead. At the beginning of the first Covid lockdown in spring 2020, we decided to make a sound recording from nature every day, to be freely available and enjoyed. Over 100 recordings and another springtime later, we are still occasionally taking the sound recorder out for a spin on the moor! Here’s one of my favourites, the legendary tadpoles. You can find all the Dartmoor Soundings recordings on SoundCloud.

Radio and podcasts
I’ve contributed to a number of radio programmes and podcasts, including:
Jarvis Cocker’s Wireless Nights on Radio 4
The Folklore Podcast: Botanical Folk Tales